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Winter is approaching when many horses are going to be kept in stables for the winter. As a result, the electric fencing is not going to be needed for the next few months. Over winter maintenance of energisers that will not be in use needs to be considered. For both...

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By Grant Winter

One of the more un-pleasant experiences of riding a horse in the African bushveld is the web strung by the Nephila inaurata (Red-legged nephila) spider. This large web may be strung between two trees several meters apart and some 2 meters above ground. Just the ideal height for it to wrap...

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By Paul Savory

Although solar energisers sound like the “cheapest” way to electrify a fence, they are quite costly. Let’s figure the average cost for running a 2-joule energizer for 10 years using both an 220 volt mains energizer and the same solar-powered unit. (The Trapper AN24 may be used in either format.)...

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By agrisellex Admin

I’ve often been asked if peeing on an electric fence is dangerous – probably relating to a gentleman stopping on the side of a road to relieve himself and the possible legal repercussions against the fence owner. ALL electric fencing that are adjacent to a public freeway must legally be signposted every...

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By Paul Savory

Plastic Pollution - electric fencing's contribution. Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects (e.g.: plastic bottles and much more) in the Earth's environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans.Plastics that act as pollutants are categorized into micro-, meso-, or macro debris, based on size. Plastics are inexpensive and durable, and as a result levels of plastic production by...

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By agrisellex Admin
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