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Information on Aspects of Electric Fencing.

A list of articles giving information on the various aspects of Electric Fencing

How to Erect an Electric Net

Erecting a net is fairly straight forward and the only requirement is that the horizontal live wires do not touch the ground

Installing an Electric Fence;

An electric Fence is only as strong as the weakest link so attention to detail is more important than how the fence is installed.

Quantities Guide.;

General Advice on Quantities required for an Electric Fence

What you need for an Electric Fence;

Essential Components of an Electric Fence

What is Electric Fencing;

How an Electric Fence functions

Advantages of an Electric Fence;

An electric fence is based on a strong psychological barrier coupled with a weak physical barrier that keeps wildlife or farm animals in and unwanted animals and vermin.

Is an Electric Fence a serious risk to Animals.

How safe is an Electric Fence

Improve your Electric Fence;

Techniques that will improve the effectiveness of your Electric Fence

Testing an Electric Fence;

Why is it SO important to test an electric fence?

Chicken Netting Trial;

The effectiveness of Electric Chicken Netting in preventing Foxes from attacking poultry in an enclosure was put to the test.

Electric Netting Dimensions;

The range of Electric nets on offer are supplied in a range of dimensions and weaves. This is a pictorial display of these dimensions.

Electric Fencing Mistakes.;

With over 30 years of experience building hundreds of miles of electric fences, I've seen just about every fencing mistake possible

Energiser Terminology;

 Electrical terminology used in evaluating Electric Fencing Energisers. 

Choosing an Electric Fencing Energiser;

A wimp of an energiser will result in a wimp of a fence.

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