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Strip grazing is a grazing management system that involves giving livestock a fresh allocation of pasture each day. It is usually organized within a paddock grazing system and the animals are controlled by the use of an electric fence. Paddocks are only grazed 2 to 3 times per year. Long...

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By Paul Savory

Agrisellex has unwittingly become involved in a series of scams relating to a project allegedly emanating from the Namibian Government requesting the erection of a substantial electric fence in the northern district of Namibia. Well worth quoting on. This would require the supply of 200 energisers plus ancillary equipment. June...

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By Paul Savory

The 75m electric fence erected by the staff of Sandringham Estate to protect newly planted seedlings from rabbits and deer was removed on after complaints made by British Hedgehog Preservation Society. The perception is that Hedgehogs are susceptible to electric fences because they can be killed by them. The principal...

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By Paul Savory

Placing a length of Weed Barrier beneath an electric fence is an excellent way to improve the effectiveness of your nets. One issue with electric chicken nets is the effect of weeds/grass growing up into the net. A small amount will have little effect but as more grows up then...

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By Paul Savory

A frequent query is how does an Electric Fence energiser electrify a fence? Essentially it is a basic transformer that creates a high voltage volt energy stream that may be used safely and effectively achieve what you, the customer, wants it to do. The fence energiser is supplied with power from...

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By agrisellex Admin
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