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Hwange National Park (formerly Wankie Game Reserve) is the largest natural reserve in Zimbabwe that lies in the west of the country, on the main road between Bulawayo and the Victoria Falls The Park hosts over 100 mammal and 400 bird species, including 19 large herbivores and eight large carnivores. All Zimbabwe's...

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By agrisellex Admin

The chicken is commonly regarded to be a cowardly sort of creature, however a bizarre new story from France suggests this might not be the case. Reports coming out from France say that a young juvenile fox about 6-8 months old was able to infiltrate the chicken shed through an...

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By agrisellex Admin

Effective earthing of an Electric Fence is a perennial topic and needs to be well understood as many people still think you can skimp when it comes to adequate earth grounding. What we must all learn is the electricity must complete a full circle back to the energiser through the...

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By agrisellex Admin

Training an Animal to Respect an Electric Fence. Electric Fencing is frequently an alien concept to many targets and so the controlled training of the  stock may save considerable time and angst when it comes to actually putting them into a field with an Electric Fence boundary. English and Finish...

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By agrisellex Admin

  Here's what an inadequate grounding could cause:- A South Carolina farm wife called the local phone company to report her telephone failed to ring when her friends called - and that on the few occasions when it did ring, her dog always moaned right before the phone rang. The...

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By Grant Winter
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