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First Aid for batteries over Winter. Winter has finally arrived and with it a possible threat to your batteries. The time has arrived to pay attention to these critical items in the next few months. Cover your battery. Stand your battery on a wooden box, cover with a bucket to...
Read more >With the dry weather there have been incidences where horses have been more inclined to ignore the electric fence and seek an escape. Without having seen the situation first hand and as the issue had not cropped up before, it is reasonable to assume the grass looked greener on the...
Read more >Electric netting is renowned for being resource hungry meaning that a given net requires a certain strength energiser to be able to run it. All reputable energisers (of course ours are totally reputable) will give figures for how many nets will be run by that energiser. This is generally referring...
Read more >I am often asked if horses are put under stress when they are in an electrified fence irrespective if they show no outward signs of stress. I was pleased to come across this scientific study from a Swiss University evaluating the stress levels of horses under the sort of situations...
Read more >1. Find a suitable location for your electric fence energiser. For a mains unit this can be under an overhang or inside your basement or garage within easy reach of a 220 v power source. 12 volt and 9 v battery units should be sited away from and protected from...
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