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Steel Electric Fence Posts.
Plastic Top Pig Post
Galvanised spring steel post With welded Steel tread-in foot step Top Section Plastic 20cm of insulated pigtail. 7mm diameter Pack of 10 115 cm tall, 95cm out the ground. Extremely...£27.00 -
Pig Post Insulator
A strong Insulator for Pig Posts. Suitable for steel, round plastic or fibreglass posts with a diameter from 6 - 19mm. Securely clamps to a pigpost to create completely custom...From £10.25 -
HotStop 7 Strand Wire
Top Quality Stranded Electric Fencing Wire Amazing conductivity at an Amazing price. Non-tempered galvanized wire for use in free-range piggeries and permanent fencing. Very good conductivity 0.12 Ohms/meter Very tightly...From £14.50 -
Geared 3 Reel Electric Fence Kits. Steel or Twine
Geared Reel Systems. A very practical and very flexible way to sub-divide a field, takes minutes to erect and remove. Ideal for protecting existing fences. Ideal for Badger exclusion. Create...£470.00 -
Heron Pond Posts.
Versatile Steel Brackets. This 270mm angled steel bracket is fitted with three adjustable position insulators, which make it perfect for protecting ponds and gardens from wild birds, foxes and other nuisance...£34.00 -
Heavy Duty End/Corner post.
Heavy Duty Metal End/Corner post for Electric Fences. 1.2 Meter High Metal post. Supplied with Egg insulators. Firmly secures an end or corner£35.00 -
Metal Pig Post
Galvanised spring steel post With welded Steel tread-in foot step Powder coated steel live post with welded foot plate and plastic pigtail insulator. 7mm diameter Pack of 10 115 cm...£40.00