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High Tension Electric Fencing Wire

Electric Fencing wire has the lowest resistance and the highest conductivity of all conductors.

  • Fencing wire is unlike any rope or tape - it is one big conducting filament that ensures that conductivity surpasses all other alternatives. This is perfect for extremely long fences.
  • Remember - the lower the Ohms/meter, the better the conductivity. The more conductive the wire is - the more effective and reliable your fence will be. 
  • The Stranded wire is very easy to use providing maximum security.
  • The Galvador solid metal wire is extremely tough and can handle immense tension - even from large animals such as an Elephant.
  • Aluminium/Zinc hot-dip galvanising process ensures that the wire will accept a regular charge - this gives our wire a lifespan of possibly 4 times longer than standard brushed galvanised fencing wire - typically in excess of 20 years.
  • Frequently used to fortify Post and Rail fences and in free range pig enclosures
If you want a permanent, solid long-lasting fence - then electric fencing wire could be the solution for you.
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