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Premium Quality Electric Netting for Many Animals.

RSPB survey of birds and wildlife in British gardens has revealed that:-
1 in 4 British gardens are visited by foxes regularly.

Why confine your chickens to small runs just to protect them? Install an electrified run so your pets may run free without the risk of attack by foxes and other predators.
Now you may have truly free-range animals and sleep well knowing they will be as safe as possible with a much better quality of life than constantly cooping them up in a small enclosed run.



  • The Ultimate protection from Foxes
  • Chicken Nets 40% Taller, 90% Safer then standard nets
  • Keeping your chickens safe and ALIVE.
  • Free Range chickens at its best
Tall Chicken Netting
  • LiveStok Sheep Netting - the best by far.
  • Used by farmers throughout Europe
  • Ideal for keeping your sheep safe.
  • Robust and Easy to use - the true solution.
Electric Sheep Netting
  • Protect your Valuable Horticultural Crops.
  • Highly effective against Badgers.
  • Easy to Install and cheap to run.
  • Your Hard work deserves the best protection
Electric Rabbit Netting
  • The truly free-range solution.
  • Very easy to erect and move
  • Ideal for keeping your chickens safe
Electric Fox Netting
  • Highly effective at excluding deer.
  • Deer can cause a lot of damage very quickly to valuable and cherished plants in your garden
Electric Deer Netting

None Electrified Netting

  • Flexible and lightweight – Easy to install and reposition
  • Robust material – Made from high-quality HDPE for long-lasting durability

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Electric Netting - The Basics

When considering Electric Fencing there are some key things to consider:

  • How powerful is the fence energiser? Nets are power hungry so does it have capacity to power the net's? Each energiser has a rating for how many nets it will comfortably run
  • What mesh size is the netting ? (will foxes and mink get through or your chickens get out)
  • How high is the netting? (important depending on what you want to keep in or out)
  • Make sure the netting does not touch the ground (the first line may - but not the second line) or other objects that may short out the electricity.

We supply a full range of electric netting for all uses. From entry-level value nets through to the highest specification poultry nets we will help you select the right net for your needs and at the right price. Netting is supplied in a range of weave dimensions, heights and lengths to suit different animals.

How Effective are Electric Nets?

The majority of information on the reliability of nets excluding foxes and other predators is from satisfied customer observations but there have been a few authoritative trials run by different organisations that clearly show that they are in deed achieving their objective in keeping out Foxes.

All our nets are of the highest quality and are supplied with posts, warning sign and a repair kit. Electric netting is simply the best way to protect your poultry enclosure from predators such as foxes and badgers. Safe and highly effective, it works by giving animals an uncomfortable shock when they make contact with the electric netting. The shock does not harm the animals, but is strong enough to deter them from the fence. So you can leave your birds in their enclosure knowing that they are safe from harm.


Fox eating a chicken.

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