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Vegetation growing up into an Electric Fence will significantly affect the performance of the fence in several ways. Power Drain. -When grass, weeds or branches touch the electric fence, they are green and full of moisture so create a path for electricity to leak into the ground. this reduces the...
Read more >A perennial question is asked and often requires a careful review. An answer is not always that simple. 1/. Horses are Gregarious animals and are naturally inclined to seek other animals to create a herd. This is not new and has been bred into them over centuries. Horses are prey animals...
Read more >Foxes are one of the greatest nightmares of any chicken breeder. It almost seems like you can’t evade them no matter how much you try because of their animal intelligence and acute hearing skills, but you should be smarter. Your chickens can’t lay good eggs or have meaty carcasses if they...
Read more >Electric chicken netting, also known as electric poultry netting or electric fencing, offers several benefits for chicken owners. Here are some reasons why you might consider using electric chicken netting: 1/. Predator protection: Electric netting acts as a physical barrier to keep predators such as foxes, mink, dogs, or feral cats...
Read more >Electric fencing can be an effective way to keep chickens safe and contained within their designated area. Here are some things to consider when selecting electric fencing for chickens, choose the right type of fence - Two main types, Netting or Wire fencing:- Chicken Netting. Chicken netting is a mesh fence that...
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