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Economy Electric Fence Tester

  • Indispensable for daily fence maintenance - used to locate fence faults.
  • Reading range between 2000 and 10000v - unlike the majority on the market that only go to 5500v
  • May be used to test the output voltage of the energiser
  • Utilises a simple earth and wire contact to establish the current in the fence.
  • Sunken LED's giving best possible readability. It will be necessary to shield it from the sun to be able to read it.
  • Non - Slip isolation of the earthing spike for additional operating safety.
  • Far more reliable than a blade of grass and less painful than using your hand to make sure the fence is working.
  • Many testers on the market only go to a maximum of 5500v - this is the Minimum that an efficient fence should be running at.

A standard electrician's voltmeter or electronic multimeter will not work with electric fences. The very short duration pulses will not register on instruments like these and will likely damage them!

Push the probe into the ground and touch the metal loop on the back of the tester to the live wire and take a reading.
LED's will get paler as the reading goes up the scale but read to the end of the LED's.

Electric Fence tester Working


Electric Fence Tester

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