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£110.00 ex VAT
£132.00 inc. VAT
Availability: In Stock

The Livestok Electric Sheep net is more stable than other Sheep nets

  • The semi-rigid plastic vertical riser (shown below) every 30cm in place of plain poly wire creates a very stable and effective barrier against predatory Foxes and dogs.
  • The Livestok Sheep Net is easier to handle and reduces movement time than other types. Due to these semi-rigid plastic risers the net keeps its' shape very well over more contoured, broken ground as shown in the images above.
  • Maximum stability over any terrain.
  • They are made out of highly conductive material with a conductive coefficient of 0.29 Ohm/meter - the lower the better.
  • Less prone to wind damage.
  • Re-enforced top and bottom strands giving greater strength.
  • The 90cm net has 9 Electro-plastic twines of which 8 are electrified. 
  • The 105cm net has 10 Electro-plastic twines of which 9 are electrified, 
  • The nets have Yellow risers with Black horizontals.
  • All nets are 50m (55 yards) long and are supplied with 14 plastic posts on metal stakes, a warning sign, connections, attachments and a repair kit.
  • Never connect more than ONE energizer to a fence.

LiveStok Sheep NetLivestok Sheepnet spacing

Livestok Sheep Netting

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Sue Ainsley-Raffel
In a class of its own

We've been using 90cm Livestok netting for our Icelandic sheep for the last year, and we're really impressed. We use it in our holistic managed grazing programme, and it's easy to deploy, easy to move, easy to transport. The plastic risers make it much less droopy than the average electronet (we have some of that for our chickens... awful stuff. When it gives up we'll definitely replace it with Livestok!). When lambs first encounter the Livestock netting they usually try to run through it at top speed to get where they want to be. The stronger structure of Livestock means that when they make that bid for freedom, the net won't flip and twist around them (provided you have the proper amount of plastic posts in place - I recommend a post every four or so netting squares for maximum support). They'll get a big zap from the energiser and back off. The most stubborn of our pet lambs only tried it twice before deciding that the net was not something he wanted to get near again. Our adult sheep give the net great respect, and won't even walk over it if it's lying down! An excellent product, highly recommended.

Thank you, very pleased that the product is fulfilling its function so satisfactorily.

Richard Willis
Nesting bird protection

We use the Livestok fencing to protect shore nesting birds to reduce nest disturbance from people and dogs. We find it deploys very quickly and easy. Even in sand it is stable in high winds and provides great, fast protection for the birds. We expect to continue to use more of this fencing in future.

Thank you,

Happy User
Happy User.

The more rigid risers which make it easier to handle and reduces the risk of sheep getting tangled in it to virtually nil. For lambs, it is far more reliable than any multi-strand fencing IME.

'George Whittaker

'I prefer these to the standard flexible net, this is more stable and easier to handle - certainly recommend. I have 3 fields using 27 nets.

Christine K, Yorkshire.
Best I've Found

This has been used for a year now without an issue. The sheep certainly respect it and it has done what it said on the tin. Coupled with the Farmer AN25. The lights on the front are very useful as I pass it every morning and a glance tells me if there is a problem to be sorted out. No need to go and physically test the fence.

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