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Horse Electric Fencing Posts
The Electric Fence Horse Post is the foundation of your fence
- Our Ultimate heavyweight electric fence posts in both Green or White are supplied with a THREE Year guarantee*
- LOW maintenance and GOOD quality = an EFFECTIVE fence. Built to last in the toughest conditions.
- All the plastic electric fence posts we sell are moulded from solid plastic that will hold up to the pressures exerted on a fence.
- These electric fence posts for horses are made from high grade plastic.
- Many different sizes for different animals.
- From only £0.89 each

- All electric fence posts are moulded from solid plastic
- The posts are very versatile with a range of positions
- From only £1.20 each

- The stirrup post footplate allows easy and safe purchase.
- The posts are UV protected to increase their life-span.
- From only £2.70 each

- Long lasting and very durable. Ideal for strip grazing
- Extra tough and strong. Different styles
- From only £2.00 each

Electric horse posts form an essential component of your fence
Plastic electric fence posts have replaced the earlier traditional types such as wooden or metal posts in many fences used to restrain horses. This is because plastic posts are very cheap to produce, do not require additional insulators and are extremely easy to install and remove, lending their use to temporary fences. Rigidity in the plastic post is an important feature. All plastic posts will bend - and more so in hot temperatures. Establish the quantity of plastic used to manufacture a post, The design of the post and inclusion of geometric features to stiffen a post are all important.
This may be clearly seen in these images highlighting the different rigidity between the Standard post found in most outlets and the Ultimate Horse Post.

Tough Horse Plastic posts are excellent to use in the fence line but when tension is applied to it from 2 vectors - such as in a corner, the post will bend. As a result of this they are not to use as corner posts. Check for the characteristic “UV-stabilised plastic”. In this case, certain additives have been introduced to the plastic which considerably increase the durability of the electric fence posts. Sunlight is the plastics' enemy where the UV rays within sunlight react with the polymers causing them to discolour and go brittle.
The beneficial effects include the fact that colour is retained, the surface maintains its compact structure and, in general, the electric fence post does not become brittle or break – even when under stress.
The advantage compared to wood and metal electric fence posts is that plastic fence posts already come equipped with insulators. The electric fence post features notches and brackets which, due to the insulating property of the plastic, can be used directly. Depending on the model, the electric fence posts come with various arrangements of eyelets for electric fence tape, electric fence polywire and electric fence rope (on wooden or metal electric fence posts, these must be retrofitted). An electric fence is very reliant on the fence posts it is applied to.
Electric fence posts are available in a range of heights. Common sizes include 75 cm, 110 cm, 140 cm and 170cm. These sizes cover the main animal groups.Always buy posts suited to the size of the animal and never less than its height at the withers. Fences which are higher than this height in hands ensure greater visibility. The top electric fence conductor should not be lower than the resting nose height of the animal. ALL Mammals use their noses to investigate anything so make it easy for them to investigate the controlling strand. Otherwise, this would have a negative impact on your electric fence’s ability to ensure safety.
Wooden electric fence posts are the oldest known type of electric fence. Electric fences were originally made of wood only, and had a specific design whereby smaller pieces of wood were used as struts to form a fence. This type of electric fence is still used in Scandinavian countries such as Sweden, Finland and Norway. In all other countries, wooden electric fences are mainly used in conjunction with electric fence conductor material. In recent years, the timber sector has also undergone further developments which have turned wooden electric fence posts into an attractive material, especially for building permanent fences.
Wood is a non-conductive material. This may well be true, however, this property changes when the wood becomes damp. When damp, wood becomes conductive rendering the electric fence useless. Fence insulators prevent electricity from being conducted even in damp conditions. These may have the screw bonded into the insulator or may be screwed in by separate screws.Post and Rail fences are very popular but often come under pressure when a horse leans over to grab that tasty morsel just out of reach.
Electric fence posts made of steel are one of the more traditional types of electric fence. They have been used for many years, and, particularly in the area of pig fencing.As steel electric fence posts are predominantly used in cattle farming, typical spring steel posts only feature one electric fence insulator head through which the conducting material is introduced. Additional insulators may be added if required.*The warranty on these products refer to the UV stability of the compound. Physical damage is not included.