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Sheep Kits

Electric Fencing kit for Sheep and Goats

  • Electric fences offer a great way to keep your sheep and goats where you want them. 
  • Both sheep and goats need a powerful shock, so you need the right type of energiser and barrier. 
  • For longer fences, reel systems make it easier to manage your electric fence.  
  • Everything you need to get you started.
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  • Geared 3 Reel Electric Fence Kits. Steel or Twine

    Geared Reel Systems. A very practical and very flexible way to sub-divide a field, takes minutes to erect and remove. Ideal for protecting existing fences. Ideal for Badger exclusion. Create...
    From £440.00
  • Sheep Fencing Bundle

    Keep Sheep in and keep predators out with this all-in-one electric fence bundle. A very simple bundle that you may put together to suite your own requirements. The essential requirement is...
    From £10.50
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