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Badger Electric Fencing Kits.

Badger Electric Fencing - the safe, secure humane Badger fencing.

  • Electric fences offer a great way to keep badgers out of gardens, bowling greens and cricket pitches. 
  • A Badger need a powerful, but safe shock, so you need the right type of energiser and barrier. 
  • Everything you need to get you started.
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  • Badger Stock Fencing Kit

    Simple Badger Fencing Kit. Everything needed to install an electric fence to keep badgers out of gardens or cricket pitches. Easy to erect - simply press the stakes into the...
    From £189.00
  • Badger Netting Kit

    A simple kit to set up an electric fence that keeps Badgers off valuable property safely. Netting is the most secure system of keeping badgers and rabbits away from gardens, bowling...
    From £279.00
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