1. Find a suitable location for your electric fence energiser. For a mains unit this can be under an overhang or inside your basement or garage within easy reach of a 220 v power source. 12 volt and 9 v battery units should be sited away from and protected from traffic so that it is not damaged. Solar units MUST be well protected as they are very fragile. Install the electric fence controller, but do not plug it in yet. All energisers are supplied with suitable wiring diagrams and these may be followed for the individual models. All are weatherproof but not waterproof - please do not put it into a bucket of water.

2. A ground rod that is suitable for your energiser and fence needs to be installed. 9v battery energisers require only a short rod (These are supplied with the product) and if your fence extends only 100 meters away from the energiser – then an earth rod 50 cm long may be used. For energisers in excess of 1 joule then a rod of 1 meter length is required and preferably more than one. Those energisers in excess of 3 Joules then 3 earth rods are required. The rods will need to be buried in as deeply as possible preferably into continuously damp soil – under the eaves, near a garden tap or in a river bed. The grounding rod needs to be of copper, aluminium or galvanized metal. A mild steel rod WILL rust and rust is a poor conductor of electricity so the effectiveness will be short lived. (See the effects of rust here)

Earth Return Fence Diagram.An Earth Return Fence with long distance suggestion.


3.For very long fences at great distances away from the energiser, then an earth rod needs to be inserted into the ground every 500m in a circle away from the primary earth stake and attached to a wire on the fence not carrying current but linked to the main earth stake near the energiser. This type of fence is termed an Earth Return fence and is illustrated above. The lines marked "+" will have energy, those marked "-" will be the earth return wires.

4. Install Lightning protection if desired. This goes between the fence and energiser with the live connected to one side of the damper (looks like a spring) and from the other end of the spring to the switch. A more detailed explanation is here on the Lightning Protection page

5. Run a High Voltage Cable from the Earth terminal (black) on the energiser to the grounding rod. Apply the grounding clamp to lock the wire to the rod, making sure that the clamp goes through the wire and the rod to create a firm connection.

6. Run a High Voltage Cable from the Live terminal (red) on the energiser to the fence and using a suitable clamp, connect the energiser to the fence. 

You are done - switch on and check the voltage.

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